Friday, April 11, 2008

Lasty's New Year

Many have written in to see what Lasty posts, but he doesn't post and you can see why, he has to be outside feeding the hungry boys. There are mallow flowers and hybiscus to pick and mulberry leaves and grass to mow and all the dolls are running around on the lawn, jumping up and down and he had to prune the tree and all the leaves and the yarrow stalks and the grape vines. The rosemary was so overgrown that tall doll couldn't find his hat and big doll was graduating from doll school too and the mockingbird pecked the Blessing right in the eye and there were dreams to write and essays to fly. The only parameter was Shorty who rolled completely over. Lasty is feeding his dolls lots of protein powder and remember to drink all you doll friends, even if Uncle Gov says not to. Aloes, mallows, yarrows, the peaches and apricots, the almonds!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Advanced Degrees Above El Paso

These are the kind of thoughts
go on the road at five AM,
advanced degrees I got
in place of ones I didn't get
with jobs and friends:

When the Trojan War Was Lost,
Shakespeare Didn't Write This Poem,
True Light That Lights,
Virtual Man's Orc Carapace,
(that should be put in quotes),
Prince Shibboleth, the Seer of Balaam,
Love Voyage, Blake's Jerusalem,
Paragories, Isaiah's Story,
Outtakes, Flower of the Golden Age,
Vox Poemato, Psalm 46.

Some of these have since appeared,
For simple belonging I sacrificed drafts,
fictional bios changed, attached,
Elder Stretch, CheesE Blocks, The Macks.
The past I gave up last.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


He said that wind and cold were naught
but clouds did harm
He could not play without the light
the heat the warm
He said he could not play so well
until the clouds struck from the sun
until the clouds broke light

until he had full light

it was a question of the sun.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Advertisement for Doll Songs

This is how dolls talk.
It is not nonsense. It is not.
Everyone knows.

They heard it when their dolls were born,
They heard it as they grew.
It began in yesteryear
when momma gave them love
and da-da made them happy.
Their owners have a notebook filled
with blurts and blabs,
but now the dolls speak up,
who served less than littles?
Little dolls stand up and sing:
"enough we blab
and blurtle hearts,
voice rising, feet tiptoe, love flowing,"
every song worth knowing.

Doll Leap

When sighing in to blog,
entirely by dolls,
those eager important things
huge stuff as all
that make the doll leap into other,
it isn't really, it is love.

Slow ones lift up peace,

it is a law to grow,

glows from the head,
gold green hexagoners.
They plod, they plod,
pattern on shell made mystical.

That shell is medicine to wings,
the skirt of feathers tortoise flies,

five down the back, four on either side
grow by the speckled head.
He comes for peace,

that attitude of kiss.

The Tortoise from Nogales

When Oscar from Nogales,
that tortoise under marigold,
sees early morning strike the wall
he reads the name upon his shell
and blogs the nations.
blogs the time.
Heads stuck out
male and female prowl,
foreleg lifted in thought.
But of these languages now deceased,
subsumed to one diverse,
two or four still crawl
and sleep out summer well.
To free them will protect
if you have the good sense
to get a book of Tortoise Blogs.

Four baby desert tortoise came out yesterday,
two the next in the humidity.
As clouds came in and out,
the black chow acted strange,
threw one up and down.
Two on the grass,
one beside the wall,
later, when the mother came out,
one was by her foot.
They are hard to see,
half dollar, brown and green
glistening in mud
they hatch serially,
two or three, four a day from the 10th.
I put them in a box atop the wash.
One climbed the back of another and jumped out,
jumped off the washer, headed out the door.
His mother followed me around the yard,
wanted ruella flowers for the one she adored.
The father was restless, burrowed deep
beneath the concrete slab to blog.


Tortoises, dolls desire talk,
for language, expression and the thought,
sound and meaning inside things
with passion, but not ordinare,
the lyrical reaching hawk scream, suddenness of wings,
layerings that caw over a base of wind,
smell of dust with shafts of sun,
cry in a moment, each moment timed.
What does it matter if I knew a moment,
a life in a moment, ten lives a moment,
three hundred years eternal,
allowing sense and breathing with the rest?
Anything that does that or recalls
having done is worthwhile breathing
the same breath as all.

That is what breath means
when the hippophant recovers,
calls the time of being,
the Hippophant like none other,
nor any unique thing.
The rime in search of talk,
meaning and sound of breath
Everything that seeks song,
unconfined to all,
for water breathers breathe their gills
breathe life, breathe song and sing.
They sing. They sing.
Everything that has breath.
Everything that has breath.
Everything that has breath.